Autodesk sketchbook is my favorite software for drawing, sketching and painting on Android phone before I develop passion for others like adobe illustration draw, infinite design, infinite painter, Ibis paint X, concepts sketch, pro create etc. if I should start mention those apps there will never be enough time for me to keep mentioning, because all of them win my heart, they all come with everything I need.

I am very sure by the time I finish with my talk you will also love this application and might be your favorite application too, here today I will be talking about how I outline my reference picture before I proceed to paint it, the process is very simple to follow once you read through all my post, you will also be able to create your own cartoon character of yourself or for others , now let us began.

First thing to note before you will proceed to draw any picture, firstly make sure the picture is very clean and neat, if the picture is not neat enough you may not be able to trace it very well and might not look exactly like your reference, so what can you do if your reference is not  that clear or neat, you can use adobe light room application to retouch the picture, though there are some other apps too which are also good and might be better than adobe light room, but I just mention this software because I also make use of it.

So after you have retouched the picture, the next thing to do is to insert the picture into the drawing app “Autodesk sketchbook”, insert it by (clicking on the second to the first icon on the top left side of the app, check screenshot on how to import picture below) and reduce the picture opacity to your likeness, for me sometimes I reduce it to 60-80 depends on how the quality of the picture is.

After you have done that, what next is your sketchbook where the picture will be drawn on, but normally called layers, how to do that (click on the second icon, next to the last, at the top right side of the app). A screenshot would be displayed how to do it below, I hope you are getting it.

Then after that select your drawing tools in your library, for me I normally use the legacy pencil for my outlining, but there are still some that you can use too like legacy ballpoint pen or basic fountain pen, reduce pencil size to 0.1-0.6.

Now let us start outlining our reference, make sure the empty layer is selected, so that you won’t be surprised at the end of your outlining (check our video on how to outline) please don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel as we come out with many tutorial video

video will be provided soon, please check back later

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